Last active 5 years ago
Hi all, I am new here, but have been toying with Alive since it came out.
I really like whats been done with the MOD, but I am a lazy mission maker and would like Alive to have a central mission repository. As most of the smarts is with the MOD, the file size need not be that big. Some are in the Six Updater, but I counted only 7 tonight when i filtered for ALive.
I have mentioned this before on the BIS forums, and the mission naming convention gets raised. Yes it works but its not ideal. Missions on forums get lost, then there are those which require additional addons. e.g. [A3][COOP-32] ALiVE TAKISTAN NATOFOR
Alternatively a proper metadata naming convention needs to be incorporated into the Steam Workshop, where by the scenarios could be scanned for addons and MODs prior to upload, and then flagged. This is going off tangent though :)
In the short term if someone knows of any good Alive missions, could you please point me in the right direction as to where to find them.
Regards Mazza