Server freezes (Fixed!)

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  2. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by Jaypee

    We've been having the issue since the last Alive update. If you look at the date of my first post you'll see roughly when I got off my ass and managed to get a post out. We've been having the problem about 2 to 4 weeks before the 25th of november 2015. Not saying it is something the Alive team changed cause I think BI brought out an update at around the same time.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by n2-

    the issue is, the server is getting tons of traffic on recieve, for no actual reason, which makes it all stale

    like, the recieve end start to have the same or even more value than sending

    (this is how it looks normally and server works fine)

    when this little fella goes crazy - you get the situation described

    when the recieve is getting that huge, you notice the server "freeze", even though it doesn not hang, it's just the packets of actual info aren't coming through

    i have no idea what cause it,

    we thought it was ddos,
    we thought it was some DNS error

    my guess it have something to do with cycle input/something among these lines, as it's clearly depending on players on server, and if they leave the recieve end drops back to normal, but the server is still fucked

    and if you get all clients disconnected, and you alone join back - the server is slow as hell and would not even load you to the mission.

    i have no idea what causes it

    also hi jaypee ; )

  4. Guys, I really encourage everyone having these issues to share them in the appropriate places with the ARMA developers. Dwarden pushes out client and server binary updates often which directly relate to fixes regarding specific issues (such as these).

    Then maybe someday we can all enjoy ALiVE on our servers again crash free. :)

  5. if you will create an appropriate ticket that may specify what cause it and link it for us to upvote it, i would absolutely love to and it will be more effective to bring devs attention than having several guys like me who don't really know what may cause it to fill in tickets separately,
    even better chance to get devs attention if it will be done by actual addon developers

    sorry, but i'm a mere mortal and i have no idea why the server is getting mad recieve overflow or what piece of functionality causes it.

    if you will tell me what kind of tests i need to run, i may be able to be usefull, but as for now it's just going to sound like "after last arma 3 update our server that was running alive is getting recieve overflow and stops responding, i have no idea what causes it, Bi, fix it ASAP"

    which is not optimal ticket as you can see, hence if you will tell us how we can help to figure out how to find what causes it -i would gladly do my best.

  6. Are you receiving crashing without ALiVE running? Just ran a mission this weekend with no issues.

  7. My community runs ALiVE missions every other day and we have no issues, although we do not use the persistent functionality.

  8. From your screenshots it looks like about 200kB/sec for the one client? This is pretty standard for Arma and ALiVE. IIRC heavy MSO missions in Arma 2 we were setting aside 512kB/sec per player (there was a lot more traffic with MSO.. I think due to spawns on clients).

    Is your mission set with CQB units to spawn on client machines (setting in CQB module)? What mods are you running?

  9. @SpyderBlack723 Are you receiving crashing without ALiVE running? Just ran a mission this weekend with no issues.

    no crashes whatsoever, server continues to work and there is no disconnects, however everything becomes static except you.

    @SavageCDN From your screenshots it looks like about 200kB/sec for the one client? This is pretty standard for Arma and ALiVE. IIRC heavy MSO missions in Arma 2 we were setting aside 512kB/sec per player (there was a lot more traffic with MSO.. I think due to spawns on clients).

    Is your mission set with CQB units to spawn on client machines (setting in CQB module)? What mods are you running?

    no, the usual amount of data flow is MUCH lesser than you see here that's when server runs normally, it's an actual spike shown here and this is the exact instance when server freezes.

  10. If not already, make sure everyone is running the exact same mod pack so that there are no oddities.

  11. Edited 9 years ago by n2-

    we do run exact same pws preset with signature check 2, so there is no issue there

    we will try to disable persistance and check if it isolates the problem

  12. nope, disabling persistence didn't fix the issue

  13. e have been having the same issue, the main offending map was Fallujah, however it occurred on others (We use the CUP_Terrains pack as well as the A3 maps) as well.

    After much hair tearing out and testing, removing the C2Istar Module with the ALiVE generated objectives/tasks for players The problem stopped occurring.

    Don't know if that's going to help anyone, just what we found.

  14. Edited 9 years ago by ski2060

    That sounds exactly like the problem I'm having on my server. I've been trying to run MArtials Takistan NATOFOR ALiVE mission in it's most recent form, as well as modified versions to fit my unit's play style, and this is happening to me.

    I can run the server, it will populate with units as normal.
    I can join, others can join, an we can play with player or ALiVE generated missions. But at some random point ,2 minutes in or 2 hours in, it will freeze up for one or more players. It will not crash, just freeze things in place while one or others can still move about.
    We have to ALT+F4 out, or if possible exit Arma, and try to come back in. Server will show as up, but we cannot load back in.
    Most recent RPTs I have for it I think:

    I will try to remove the C2ISTAR module and see if only running it with Player generated missions will fix the problem.

    Just loaded up my version of NATOFOR (just tweaked medical and TFAR a little, changed bad guys to ISTS) with the removal of C2ISTAR. So, autogeneration of tasks is gone like I expected, but it also removes manually generated missions completely. So, there are no tasks that are able to be generated.
    I see that OpFor units are still being placed by ALiVE OpCOm, so I assume the Mission just becomes Sandbox at that point , with players tasking missions for themselves, or Zeus placing missions.

    @ Monty, Would that be a fair assessment of what you guys are experiencing?

  15. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Players don't task missions for themselves per say in Assymetrical style missions (I haven't played M4RTI4L's mission in a while but if I remember correctly it's Assymetrical). As long as the civilian placement and civilian population modules are set, and the OPFOR or whoever you're playing against is set to Assymetrical, tasks are generated by interrogating the civilians. There's also a really neat script here that expands on that by having Intel spawn on enemy bodies. Spyder Addons makes it even more immersive too.

    Also, I wouldn't be so quick to say the C2ISTAR module in itself is causing issues across the board. I know I've been having my own problems with server desync (as seen in the forums here), but I have had stretches without any issues whatsoever and have C2ISTAR placed in every mission I play. I don't use auto-tasking though. If I want a task to spice things up, I request it.

    Not saying this isn't the source of our issues, I would just be careful to assume for sure that this is the root of everyone's crashing problems.

  16. Ok, forum seems to keep losing my password or booting me out for some reason.

    We have been using auto-generation or Player generation of missions from the Player Operations in the HQ to run our missions.

    What you're saying is that missions should be generating for us if we go out and do active patrolling, with interaction with civilians bringing us these missions?

    The current build of M4RTI4L's mission that I'm attempting to get working has Spyder's Civilian interaction scripting. So, that should bring about missions for the unit?

    If so, I'll try to get the unit trying that out, both with and without the C2ISTAR module in. I may have to turn off all auto-generation of missions with it in though to hopefully keep the freezing from happening.

  17. Like I said (poorly. LOL) the C2ISTAR tasks are a little more like what you'd expect a "mission" to be. Kill HVT, blow up truck, etc. This is why I keep the module in my missions but only request them when I want them. It's also very very buggy so auto-tasking has to be turned off for my sanity (missions love to show up off map, for example).

    The Assymetrical tasks are a little more ambiguous. Interrogating civilians will give you Intel to rough locations for 'where a terrorist lives,' or 'where a weapons cache' is or 'where a recruitment HQ' is. Your job is to go to the location area, find the exact location, and either kill the enemy and/or blow up their supplies (ususally tables with weapons laying on them).

    But don't expect a task like "here's the location of Bowe Bergdahl" with the Assymetric template. :)

  18. OK, gotcha. I was just wondering if it were the same style of "OpFor has AA vehicles on this hill, go blow them up" like the generated missions.

    So... I guess we'll try the straight Insurgency type stuff for now and see where that leads.

  19. Yeah that's what I do. Like I said, I still ask for a task from C2ISTAR when I want to spice things up. Again, this is all under the pretense that C2ISTAR is actually what is causing the crashing to begin with. I have my doubts but I could very well be wrong.

  20. Doesn't look like it was C2ISTAR. Just ran it on the server with that removed, and crashed on contact with enemy forces by a lone player.

    Going to put it back up with the module, but with Autogen turned off and let commanders try it manually.
    Frustrating, as this mission seems to be perfect for our needs.

  21. It's not ALiVE's ARMA. We just had 2 desyncs/Out of Memory crashes tonight within 15 minutes of starting the mission using Dynamic Combat Generator.

    1.54 totally FUBARed everything server wise. The desyncs/OOM crashes are widespread amongst the community right now. Sometimes it will desync 5 min in..sometimes 2 hours in....but it ultimately will crash and after almost 2 full months...the issue still has not been resolved. Very aggravating, especially when trying to run long term persistent campaigns as you end up desyncing before making real progress in your campaign.

    I love you ARMA..and yet I hate your freaking guts.

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