Server freezes (Fixed!)

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  2. 9 years ago

    Ok, had my server migrated to a closer location with the same hosting company. I now get a considerably better ping to it. And they migrated ALL of my data overnight :D

    Anyway, I started up my Takistan Counter insurgency map to see if it is still crashing/freezing. It looked to be going decently well, and then It lagged/froze up again.
    I wish something could be found to fix this issue.

    Anyway, here's a RPT showing todays events.

  3. Are you using the most recent performance binaries?

    Example: I played last night with a buddy and we desynced/crashed four times in less than a half hour with the RC exe's. He put the same mission up in his TADST with I think the v13 binaries and we played for an hour and a half with zero issues.

  4. Yeah, I'm using the v15 binary. I need to put the v15 Malloc.dll in to see if that will help out. I haven't been home to do that part yet.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ouch. That sucks. Hopefully a dev pops in and can translate the logs for you. Is there any obvious error spam in the file? Right now I'm pretty focused on only using necessary mods and removing scripts that I'm unsure on. Also note there's been an update to the Intel on dead bodies script that should eliminate some errors (not saying this is causing you're issue. Just an FYI).

    You may need to just start adding by subtraction here. My personal vote is that you load only ALiVE/CBA and your factions into your mission and see where that leaves you.

  6. I'll start regression testing this week if I can get the time. I'm hoping it's not ACE.

    I just got the DLL installed, and running my MCC Kunduz map right now. Crashes were happening on that map also. So.. hoping that it will stay stable, then I will try Takistan ALIVE and see if it stays stable.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    Took a look at the RPT - nothing there to indicate a crash (usually there isn't.. crash will generate a dump file that BIS can look at but RPT usually has no info - dump file is in same directory as RPT and you can open a ticket on the feedback tracker and upload the files).

    Tons of these at the end:

    13:59:19 Server: cannot send message - player 1788652840 is not known.
    14:00:01 No player found for channel 1088291008 - message ignored

    They appeared right after you logged out of admin (did you disconnect there or just log out?)

    As Heroes said at this point you need to start with CBA and ALiVE only and go from there. You mentioned MCC as well - I would test without it loaded on either the server or the clients.

    edit: new perf binary released today give this a try:

  8. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks Savage. I'm on V15 right now and again played for another 2 hours with no issues. Granted, I'm not trying to host the session for other players, but on my end things are much more stable now.

    One BIG thing I noticed is that placing @aliveserver anywhere other than last in your server load order will almost 100% cause desync and crashes so I'd recommend to Ski to look at that.

    I've also seen an early build of his mission and we use a lot of the same stuff and principles. However, last I saw he was using some mods I haven't played with in forever so in my un-trained gut, I still feel like he must have some kind of mod conflict or script conflict going on. Or someone in his crew is running something the others aren't. Just my totally uninformed two cents.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by ski2060

    I put up the MCC Kunduz mission yesterday, and it appears as if it hasn't crashed at all. So. that is looking good.
    My only issue is that after migration my server standard time is off, showing more than a month into the future so my RPT's aren't showing correct date or time.

    On top of that, I had turned logging off to see if that helped anything with the ALiVE mission, then turned it back on for MCC. BUT, it doesn't appear to be logging now that the MCC mission is running.

    I'll fiddle around with it today if I can. Also, I will make sure to find some simple missions with just CBA and ALiVE, or make a quick one to throw up on the server.

    EDIT: Threw Operation Landlord by Spyder up to test things out. If you can help, please check my server and see how it performs for you, or if it crashes. Thanks! Dallas based Host.

  10. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I just read this on (gulp) Reddit, so take this for what you will. Are you using Leight's again by chance? Over in the performance binaries thread on Reddit, one guy speculated ALiVE itself was causing crashes and the following poster said this:

    "You have Leights OPFOR on there, which has been causing crashing post 1.54 when its ported units (Afghan Militia, ISIS, Chedaki, NAPA) are killed when used with ACE. We've run into that issue ourselves (as well as many other people according to ACE Slack as well as his Workshop page).

    Speculation from December was that his hitpoints and such aren't set up correctly which is causing the issue."

    Here's the thread:

    I'd also be careful with expecting stability from those templates stickied here. I'm not saying they have any issues that I know of, I just know they haven't been updated in forever FWIW.

  11. I had been using Leight's, but I moved over to CAF Aggressors for my ALiVE Takistan map, and it's still happening.

    It happens less on the Kunduz MCC map than on the ALiVE map though. I wonder if it is just a problem with ACE, as that is a common demoninator between both of my maps.

  12. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    When you say your Kunduz MCC map, what does that mean? Does that mean you're using MCC instead of ALiVE? Or with ALiVE? If the latter, are you sure MCC and ALiVE are compatible?

  13. Edited 9 years ago by ski2060

    I have a Kunduz mission with MCC, not ALiVE. It is stable for the most part, but it does occasionally have hangs. I ran it last night, overnight, with no crashing, after having my server migrated and the v15 Perf EXE and tbbmalloc.dll installed.

    I'm attempting to run the Operation Landlord ALive mission on it now, to see how long it will go before crashing, if it does indeed crash.

  14. If it crashes please share the report. It may prove useful to the devs here. Good luck. :)

  15. If you can, feel free to jump on my server, IP is above.

  16. I would but I'm at work, unfortunately.

  17. Official templates are fine for the most part as there hasn't been any major changes since their creation (the newer official templates, not the old ones).

  18. In an effort to share more information with the ALiVE team, I'm going to post some more of my findings here. First off, here's a link to the feedback article submitted to BI. I apologize for the laziness, but I'm at work right now. There are a couple RPTs there from crashes with all of our mods so not sure how helpful that will be.

    We started having crashes as well shortly after 1.54 hit, as a matter of fact, I don't recall having any crashes until after we updated ACE3 to 3.4.0 (their first update following 1.54). When the "crash" happens, everyone online appears to be running in place as if there were some kind of network problem, but we don't receive any "no message received" messages. The RPT logs will be filled will cannot send message to player X (you'll see an example in the RPTs I linked).

    During testing, we tried a "low mods" configuration and only ran CBA, ACE3, RHS (US & RU), and ALiVE. With a new mission created with just those mods, we still experienced a crash. Sadly, I don't have the RPT for that.

    The above mentioned crash along with the fact that we are now stable that we have removed ALiVE from our missions, leads me to believe that the crashes are caused by some kind of conflict with ALiVE and ACE3 or RHS. If I can convince a few people in our unit to volunteer, I'll try just ALiVE and RHS and see what happens.

  19. And think, with the new update coming, even more things may be broken. I think they're are making some changes to file architecture and other stuff. I'm not looking forward to half the mods I use being broken :(

    I am currently in progression testing to see which mods are working and which aren't, also.
    Basic AliVE Takistan map with CBA and Alive, ran fine for 12 hours yesterday.

    Put anything with ACE up, and it hangs. Not even a hard crash, but teh same as you, a Freeze, with no messages generated on screen.
    The server always shows Cannot Communicate Errors.

    I think I'll either find or put together a mission with just Alive and RHS to test also.
    My unit would hate to lose ACE, so I would probably be relegated to NOT using Alive for my experimental server.

  20. What's even more fun is there are groups reporting no crashes running the same modset. Have you tried the latest performance binary from Dwarden?

  21. @SavageCDN We haven't tried v16 yet, but I did try with 13-15 during my troubleshooting. I tested without ALiVE just before v16 came out and haven't stopped to try it yet.

    @ski2060 We are in the same exact position. We are able to offload most of what ALiVE does to a dedicated Zeus player and/or through mission making. Playing without ACE3 on the other hand would make our style of game play impossible.

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