ORBAT Creator General FAQ

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    Should I increase the sleep 0.2?

  3. Edited 7 years ago by GrizzlyBear83

    I have the same issue, I put all instances of 0.2 sleep at 0.0 and the issue disappeared.

  4. So I've been having an issue with a custom faction I created. When placing units in the Editor, they appear as they should, but when I Preview/Play the mission, all of the units helmets and backpacks change. I dug through the cfg stuff that ORBAT exports thinking there might be an issue with assigned gear, but I couldn't find anything. If I re-import the units into ORBAT to try and tweak them, their helmets and backpacks are changed. The weapons, uniforms, and gear that I assigned the units all stays how it's supposed to be, it's just the helmets that change, and 90% of the time, it assignes the exact same helmet to all the units.

    I have next to no coding experience so I'm at a complete loss as to what might be causing this, especially because the units all appear how they are supposed to when I place them in the editor but only change when I enter the game.

  5. Noticed that units with underbarrel grenade launchers always load the grenade launcher upon first spawn. Annoying. So, when I make ORBAT units, I reverted back to a previous ALiVE version and when making missions I go to the latest version. A bit teadious.

  6. @opendome:

    when I had the same problems with my ORBAT factions, I found out it's because I forgot to export the cfg Patches data and paste this into the respective file in my pre-PBO folder.

    In there, you need autogen.hpp, configPatches.hpp and config.cpp and if you press "Export Full Faction" in ORBAT, you'll receive only the data for autogen.hpp, but are still missing the data you NEED to paste into configPatches.hpp!

    So if you have isssues with a PBO version of your ORBAT faction, try this and report back if it did help you! :-)

  7. Tupolov

    6 Dec 2017 Administrator

    New release has some major new features... Please check it out...

    1. Ability to import ORBATRON factions
    2. Units now work with loadout changes in editor
    3. Ability to write complete config to file
    4. Copy functionality improved.
  8. <3 import! yay. For idiots like me that make mistakes after 3hrs!

  9. Edited 7 years ago by dev614

    @Tupolov New release has some major new features... Please check it out...

    1. Ability to import ORBATRON factions
    2. Units now work with loadout changes in editor
    3. Ability to write complete config to file
    4. Copy functionality improved.

    The copy functionality has a bug when copying a faction over to a different side. Each unit remains true to their original side, though the classnames are changed. I copied the OPFOR faction "CUP_O_TK" to make it independent, and each unit is set to belong to "OPFOR CSAT" when copied to the independent side.

    Also, when exporting a full faction to a file and then creating a .pbo out of the files, running the .pbo as is will cause the game to crash on start. This is due to a references in script_component.hpp that doesn't exist:

    #include "\x\cfp\addons\main\script_mod.hpp"
    #include "\x\cfp\addons\main\script_macros.hpp"

    Deleting those lines will remove the error.

  10. Edited 7 years ago by Nablatidis


    I'm having a similar problem. Just came back after months and I used to be able to get it to work, now it doesn't.

    I copied a faction and started editing some of the units, ran out of time so I exported the full faction (not the file option) and pasted in the hpp file. Then copied the config and pasted in the cfg file. Pbod it and fired up the mod to test. It worked fine until I started editing the units that I didn't have time to edit yet. Whenever I edit them and save changes, it just reverts back to original.
    Am I missing something really simple here?

  11. I have a problem I’ve been struggling with for a long time, and I have not been able to find a solution. I think we talked about it before, but I can’t fine where, so sorry if I’m bringing up an old topic but I really want to get to the bottom of it.

    So, the problem is whenI’m making a faction with vehicles from other addons, like RHS or Project Opfor, and I use vehicles with turrets.
    I then get an error message saying ”No entry ’bin/CfgVehicles/VEHICLE_CLASS_NAME/Turrets/MainTurret.maxHorizontalRotSpeed’”

    And here I stand without any idea of how to get around this issue. I have one faction that I made with an early (first public release version) of the Orbatron that uses vehicles from above addons without problem, so I ”know” there is a way to use them for the Orbatarang.

    Now... help me. Please! I’m losing my mind here.

  12. Friznit

    31 Dec 2017 Administrator

    That's more likely a problem with the addon than anything that the Orbatron is doing.

  13. Yeah, I’m sure it is. But that would mean no Orbat factions with RHS and or Project Opfor vehicles. Aren’t there any at all around?

    And also, seeing as how it is possible to get around it (I did once, with an early Orbat – but don’t ask me how) i hope it is possible to find a way to hack our way past this.

  14. Edited 7 years ago by Imbazil

    I just tried to create the Unsung faction but when I click on Unsung_E in the orbat editor, then go to unit editor and load from config the game freeze and I usually have to restart the pc.

    I guess this is a issue from unsung? does anyone have a working faction for them already made? (I tried some "fixes" from the workshop but they all gave other errors instead.)

  15. Factions list is here:

    Unsung is under Community Mod Factions

  16. Edited 7 years ago by Imbazil

    ah, yes those work from what I can see. The issue for me is that i'd like to make my own so I can decide more in detail what to spawn and mostly reduce the size of the groups. (it's a smaller coop mission)

    if I place groups manually for the commander would those exact groups be the ones that respawn? or would it just take a random inf / mech / armor unit from the defined list and replace my manually placed group?

    edit: managed to "fix" it by typing the description.ext file manually, still no idea why there are so many issues with orbat + alive but since other mods work fine I guess this is something the unsung team must fix from their end.

  17. I made a faction by merely changing the side of an existing one from blufor to opfor and exporting the full faction cfg to description.ext. Then I changed the faction name in the description.ext. This is the method mentioned here :

    Editing an existing addon: select the faction and change the side/flag but leave the name and classname the same. If you make no changes to the units loadouts you can simply apply the faction config at the mission level by pasting it into description.ext. This is a quick and easy way to change the side or name of a faction for a one off mission whilst leaving everything else intact.

    The correct groups spawn in the military module but they keep their original side (blufor in the map) and start shooting each other.

    Also in the wiki it mentions the possibility of creating a group by mixing units from different factions and using the same method (description.ext) but it seems that the only way of doing that is to create new units which is not possible with this method, is there any alternative?

  18. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    In order to change side, you NEED to create a mod. I've been away from A3 for awhile, but I'm 99% sure that you can't change the side naturally without a mod. The wiki entry will need to be updated, thanks.

    description.ext method is only for changing group compositions.

  19. Edited 7 years ago by Aklis

    I've been having trouble with the whole Undefined Base Class thing. I can't even say what causes it, because yesterday I had it working without any problems and today it's screwing up yet again. It seems like the issue is that when you import a unit from another mod, it sometimes forget to tack on "_OCimport_2" at the end of it, like this:

    class B_US_Operator_DEVGRU_01 : B_Soldier_F_OCimport_02 {

    Adding OCimport_02 manually to each of them doesn't work either.

    EDIT: I remade it from scratch, checking that it managed to get the OCimport_02 every time I imported a new unit. It worked, but still no idea what causes it.

    EDIT 2: It seems the issues start cropping up when you import units from the config. I wanted to tweak some stuff, but when I pack it again, I start getting error messages and invisible units and whatnot.

  20. Thanks, that makes sense. I ended up packing a pbo, now works perfectly.

  21. 6 years ago


    I ran into a massive problem when trying to use the new "write to file" option. Had to quit the game before being completely done with editing an older ORBAT faction I had made into a .pbo:

    1) Started game with all the mods that went into the old ORBAT faction plus the new mods from which I wanted to pull additional units

    2) opened a mission with the ORBAT module placed, started it and went into ORBAT GUI

    3) Chose to "Edit Faction"

    4) Made a few edits, then selected "Full Faction to file"

    5) Quitted the game

    6) Came back to the game, only to see it fail on startup with the following message: "include file bw_afg_hist\script_component.hpp not found"

    The name of my old ORBAT faction's .pbo is bw_afg_hist.pbo - but it IS ofc still present in the addons subfolder of the very same @BW_AFG_HIST folder I had used to load it up for editing it.

    Where can I find this script_component.hpp file or where can I create it? Without it, I can no longer load the game with the old ORBAT modfolder active! Always get the above mentioned error!

    THX in advance for any advice


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