ORBAT Creator General FAQ

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    I made a faction by merely changing the side of an existing one from blufor to opfor and exporting the full faction cfg to description.ext. Then I changed the faction name in the description.ext. This is the method mentioned here :

    Editing an existing addon: select the faction and change the side/flag but leave the name and classname the same. If you make no changes to the units loadouts you can simply apply the faction config at the mission level by pasting it into description.ext. This is a quick and easy way to change the side or name of a faction for a one off mission whilst leaving everything else intact.

    The correct groups spawn in the military module but they keep their original side (blufor in the map) and start shooting each other.

    Also in the wiki it mentions the possibility of creating a group by mixing units from different factions and using the same method (description.ext) but it seems that the only way of doing that is to create new units which is not possible with this method, is there any alternative?

  3. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    In order to change side, you NEED to create a mod. I've been away from A3 for awhile, but I'm 99% sure that you can't change the side naturally without a mod. The wiki entry will need to be updated, thanks.

    description.ext method is only for changing group compositions.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by Aklis

    I've been having trouble with the whole Undefined Base Class thing. I can't even say what causes it, because yesterday I had it working without any problems and today it's screwing up yet again. It seems like the issue is that when you import a unit from another mod, it sometimes forget to tack on "_OCimport_2" at the end of it, like this:

    class B_US_Operator_DEVGRU_01 : B_Soldier_F_OCimport_02 {

    Adding OCimport_02 manually to each of them doesn't work either.

    EDIT: I remade it from scratch, checking that it managed to get the OCimport_02 every time I imported a new unit. It worked, but still no idea what causes it.

    EDIT 2: It seems the issues start cropping up when you import units from the config. I wanted to tweak some stuff, but when I pack it again, I start getting error messages and invisible units and whatnot.

  5. Thanks, that makes sense. I ended up packing a pbo, now works perfectly.

  6. @Devs:

    I ran into a massive problem when trying to use the new "write to file" option. Had to quit the game before being completely done with editing an older ORBAT faction I had made into a .pbo:

    1) Started game with all the mods that went into the old ORBAT faction plus the new mods from which I wanted to pull additional units

    2) opened a mission with the ORBAT module placed, started it and went into ORBAT GUI

    3) Chose to "Edit Faction"

    4) Made a few edits, then selected "Full Faction to file"

    5) Quitted the game

    6) Came back to the game, only to see it fail on startup with the following message: "include file bw_afg_hist\script_component.hpp not found"

    The name of my old ORBAT faction's .pbo is bw_afg_hist.pbo - but it IS ofc still present in the addons subfolder of the very same @BW_AFG_HIST folder I had used to load it up for editing it.

    Where can I find this script_component.hpp file or where can I create it? Without it, I can no longer load the game with the old ORBAT modfolder active! Always get the above mentioned error!

    THX in advance for any advice


  7. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @tourist there’s some discussion of your post over in the dev Slack and yeah it seems like something definitely isn’t right. From the sounds of it this is going to require a fix. Thanks for the report.

    For now they’re saying to export the file manually instead of auto exporting it with write to file until this is addressed.

    Since you overwrote your mod, one suggestion was also this:

    ...he can probably remove the script_components.hpp line from the config.cpp file and/or create an empty script_components.hpp file in the root of the mod folder (next to the config.cpp file).

  8. Tupolov

    11 Mar 2018 Administrator
    Edited 7 years ago by Tupolov


    Faction to File is for advanced users/use cases only, please use the original autogen method for your factions.

    Simple workaround is to remove #include "script_component.hpp" from config.cpp

  9. @HeroesandvillainsOS & @Tupolov:

    THX for your fast response! I have found out that ORBAT also created a folder named "bw_afg_hist" (without the quotes ofc) in my ARMA root dirrectory. In this folder the file "script_component.hpp" does exist, but isn't detected for some reason. Simply renaming this "bw_afg_hist" folder to something else also stopped the error from popping up & I can now use the old @BW_AFG_HIST folder again.

    Will do my faction in one go today with the recommended autogen method then.

    BTW, is there a way I can add mod vehicles that don't have a side or a crew like the Reddiem Bundeswehr APC's/IFV's?


    Like, copying the code from a working APC entry and then change the classname to that of the Reddiem vehicle after exporting the faction which before exporting has other working APC or IFV classes (e.g. the BWMOD Puma & some vehicles from the BW Retex mods can be ORBATTED)?

  10. @all:

    I have tested my above written idea on how to get the Reddiem vehicles into an ORBAT faction - with mixed results...

    The good news are that I actually managed to get two different Reddiem vehicles into my faction. First I copied all autogen.hpp entries of a similar vehicle from another mod (BWMOD) which is known to be working and then I changed all classnames in the copied entry to the Reddiem vehicles. I did NOT delete the known working vehicles!

    Finally I added them to some of the inf or mechanized inf groups as those group's vehicles. Now I have tested it in editor and indeed have working groups with the manually added vehicles while the other group that have BWMOD vehicles still work.

    So, where's the problem?

    Well, now I can't add ANY other vehicle to the ORBAT FAction when trying to edit it. Whatever vehicle I try to add, I always get an error message claiming that the base class 'turrets' weren't defined upon launching ARMA with a .pbo that

    1) is based on the autogen.hpp containing the manually added Reddiem Vehicles


    2) has afterwards been edited in the way that other vehicles like e.g. the CUP USMC motorbike are added to the faction

    As soon as I delete the new entries resulting from the usual copy-pasting of the code into autogen.hpp and cfgpatches.hpp and repack the very same pbo, it works again and the error message is NOT thrown!

    Also the Reddiem Marder IFV now incorporated in my ORBAT faction uses it's turret just fine if manned with AI. The Reddiem Fuchs MG cannot be used by AI, so that is to be expected. But the error message claims that the Marder turret had it's base class not defined - although THAT vehicle works perfectly with AI gunners after being added to my ORBAT faction!

    Here are my files if anyone can spare the time to look at them; no need to load all the addons; just check if you can find a config error that prevents me fromadding any further vehicles after I added the Reddiem vehicles named "Marder" and "Fuchs"


  11. So I'm getting the undefined base class eventhandlers error after trying to create my own faction. After searching on the forum, this seems to be a problem that some people have experienced in the past and I can't find a fix anywhere. Does anyone know how to fix it? Or is there something I'm doing wrong?

  12. 6 years ago

    Does anyone know how to make random uniforms/headgear for a faction?

  13. Is there an easy way to set up an arsenal for a faction I make?

  14. @SpyderBlack723 so I was playing around with ALiVE ORBAT creator today and I saw a few things that I don't remember from the past...Full Faction Export w/ pictures and those things. I am guessing those are new to the ORBAT creator and do they function the same way when you want to past your faction into the autogen.hpp and get the faction into your pbo?

  15. @Tupolov

  16. @Tupolov @SpyderBlack723 How does one, after getting a faction into the game, A: use the modded faction in Zeus, B: use unit groups in the game at all, and C: make the faction in the editor have an actual name, instead of just being a blank dropdown tab?

  17. Make sure you follow the steps here to get the faction in game, it sounds like it might not be properly done.


  18. Good Morning Gents,

    I used the ORBAT module to create two of my own entirely separate factions and after I converted them to PBOs and loaded them separately they worked perfectly. When I loaded both these mods at the same time I found that either just one or neither of them would work. I've done some searching to see if anyone else is having this problem but I can't find anything. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the default ALiVE file structure for PBOs or if the mods just conflict for some reason. Either way I'd greatly appreciate help/advice, thank you!

  19. @SpyderBlack723 my apologies I forgot to tag you in the above comment. Would you possibly know of any solution to this?

  20. Edited 6 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    First, make sure each pbo name is unique. Then go through each autogenerated file (ctrl-f) and anywhere you see (I think it's) testmod, change this to a name unique to each pbo. This should solve your problem.

  21. Deleted 6 years ago by Schoen-Train
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