ORBAT Creator General FAQ

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  2. 8 years ago

    FYI, I'm trying to add some more factions to the Orbatron google drive and it says I'm not allowed to create any new folders now.

  3. If it's because there's too many, HV_Taliban can be removed. Project OPFOR since it updated is far superior.

  4. We have some special plans for the public shared factions and the current permissions state was a bit vulnerable, it's set to view-only until we figure out a better way of storing these factions. Just open a private convo with me and share a dl link.

  5. @Nichols I can handle the repro for that ticket

  6. Thanks @SpyderBlack723 I just got home from work and haven't had a chance to work on it yet.

  7. @SpyderBlack723 Any ideas on a work around for that issue or do I just need to config the bad guys for my mission...If so that is going to suck for me. :D

  8. If you edit the vehicle in the ORBATerer, it will show you all of the seats you can fill (by config). Anything else needs to be done after spawn.

  9. I am not super concerned with the vehicles; I need the other setUnitloadout function to work so that my guys can resupply from dead chinese AI; which is basically the only way the players actually get supplies to combat the AI.

  10. I'll wait and see if anyone claims the ticket, I've provided an easy repro on that ticket. Would rather not go back and change the code all over again.

  11. Yep I understand that completely. I guess for now I will run my faction via the old fashioned way and hope that it does bug out too much on us until that ticket gets addressed.

  12. Hiya just wondering if any of you guys know, how I go about saving vehicle ammo contents and hidden selection stuff in the whole faction autogen.hpp (Or at least remove any stored weapons & ammo from vehicles)

    As I don't think you can actually do that stuff in the ORBAT, I've tried setting up said vehicles in a mission.sqm and then copy and pasting the stuff I wanted (Class CustomAttributes) into the autogen.hpp roughly where I thought It should go. But I keep getting errors that say "/cfgvehicle.Eventhandaler undefined"

    Oh and thanks for this amazing tool its made this whole process so much easier :D

  13. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723


    You got got a typo in there, should be


  14. Edited 8 years ago by Stella

    Yeh that was just the error message that I derped on though, however I've tried again and now I get this error when I boot the game File x\testmod\addonsconfig.cpp, line1: /CfgVehicles/:Missing '}'

    Which is strange as I've not edited the config.cpp

    I've got it set out like this at the moment in the autogen.hpp

            class B_PBSR_BMP_1_01 : rhs_bmp1_msv_OCimport_02 {
            author = "Rad.Stella[345]";
            scope = 2;
            scopeCurator = 2;
            displayName = "BMP-1";
            side = 1;
            faction = "PBSR";
            crew = "B_PBSR_Crew_01";
            class Turrets : Turrets {
                class MainTurret : MainTurret { gunnerType = "B_PBSR_Crew_01"; };
                class Com_BMP1 : Com_BMP1 { gunnerType = "B_PBSR_Crew_Commander_01"; };
                class CargoTurret_01 : CargoTurret_01 { gunnerType = ""; };
                class CargoTurret_02 : CargoTurret_02 { gunnerType = ""; };
                class CargoTurret_03 : CargoTurret_03 { gunnerType = ""; };
                class CargoTurret_04 : CargoTurret_04 { gunnerType = ""; };
                class CargoTurret_05 : CargoTurret_05 { gunnerType = ""; };
                class CargoTurret_06 : CargoTurret_06 { gunnerType = ""; };
                class CargoTurret_07 : CargoTurret_07 { gunnerType = ""; };
                class CargoTurret_08 : CargoTurret_08 { gunnerType = ""; };
                class CargoTurret_09 : CargoTurret_09 { gunnerType = ""; };
                class CargoTurret_10 : CargoTurret_10 { gunnerType = ""; };
            class EventHandlers : EventHandlers {
                class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {};
                class ALiVE_orbatCreator {
    //All the Class Custom Attributes stuff (Theres 24 of them)
            // custom attributes (do not delete)
            ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1;
            ALiVE_orbatCreator_texture = "standard";
  15. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I'm not even sure if what you described is possible via config. Not much a unit configger myself. It's likely that those custom attributes are specifically read by EDEN and applied by script on mission start.

  16. That might be the case, with the particular way I'm trying to do it as I'm using stuff from the mission.sqm
    But theres gotta be a way surely, as other mods do have custom ammo loaded into the vehicles inventory, and RHS makes use of set decals for the separate factions. But i couldnt dePBO it to see how they did it, guess ill try and find another mod that i can pull apart and look at.

  17. Deleted 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS
  18. Haha I replied in the wrong thread. The custom decals are probably being set in the editor, or the person made their own faction with the decals and loadouts the way they wanted them.

  19. 7 years ago

    @SpyderBlack723 Tried reloading and exporting my 15th PLA faction again using the newest ALiVE version and the updated version of Arma 3...still no joy at all. Units are spawning without any extra gear and as you know from the earlier stuff the faction has magazines, grenades, etc... in their loadouts. The funny aspect of this is as I mentioned I can spawn in a unit via Zeus and they have all the stuff they are supposed to have on them. This only happens with ALiVE spawned units.

  20. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Zeus probably spawns units local to you, thus the gear is added locally for you. Other players will still see no gear.

    Still waiting for a response from BIS on the ticket.

  21. When I spawn in units via Zeus all players are able to see the gear on the AI. It only effects the ALiVE spawned AI.

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