Multiple RHS Factions

  1. 10 years ago

    Hi guys. So if I am wanting two or more factions (from the same side of course) to spawn how do I do this?

    Military AI COMMANDER
    FACTION OVERRIDE - "rhs_faction_usarmy_wd","rhs_faction_usmc_wd"
    (please note the quotations as suggested in the mouse over tip)

    FORCE FACTION - rhs_faction_usarmy_wd, rhs_faction_usmc_wd
    (please note the "no" quotations but a space between as suggested in the mouse over tip)

    I have tried all options with & without quotes. Each of the factions work on their own but not together. I have also tried it with other factions.

  2. Aren't you supposed to write it like an array?


  3. Edited 10 years ago by osiris

    I've been struggling with this for days as well. As far as I can tell Military and Civilian objectives only support one faction, you have to make an mil and civ objective for each faction and sync with the AI commander, which has all the factions you want in the faction list for that side (comma delimited) and then of the OPFOR AI commander

    Now I am struggling with the faction setup of RHS, some factions are missing types of units so if you put them in, you'll get a message stating it can't find a unit type (mechanized, armor, sea, etc). Alive only supports the msv and vdv factions, so some RHS units can't be used in Alive modules.

    1. RHS organizes its units into many factions
    2. Alive uses factions to determine deployment, when trying to use a faction without certain types of equipment that Alive wants to deploy, you will get a message saying as much. At that point Alive may deploy non RHS equipment to fill the gaps, IE IFRIT, HEMTT, etc.
  4. Edited 10 years ago by edfathead

    I have been struggling with this for longer than I care to admit.
    I have just managed to get both factions spawning by placing two separate command structures Mil Commander - Mil Placement etc for each faction. I will do some play Testing to see if they actually work together and attack. (All under one TOAR & no error popups which is promising.)

    The brackets did not seem to help.

  5. Edited 10 years ago by osiris

    You shouldn't have to have more than one AI commander, the faction list will take multiple factions in that module separated by a commas. So for example for my OPFOR AI commander I have ..... rhs_faction_vdv,rhs_faction_msv

    Place one mil and/or civ objective module for each faction and sync each of them to the AI commander and the OPFOR AI commander so that each knows about the objectives. That's all you should have to do.

    A bit of a warning however, this will increase your objective count, effectively doubling it with two factions so you may see performance issues....I had to raise my filtering level, but am still well over the recommended 80

  6. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by edfathead

    Ok :) So I have done just that & it seems to be working, Thank you. :) So you can have multiple factions entered in the AI Commander but each one needs its own Mil Placement.

    Oh & no Brackets, quotes or spaces


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