ALiVE: Tanoa (Quick Start)

  1. 8 years ago


    10 Jul 2016 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by Tupolov

    Here's a mission with the Tanoa index built in, so you can test it right now before our APEX release next week.

  2. Hey thanks Tupolov.

  3. Will this work with building a mission on Tanao after the apex release?

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah sure. Though the primary function right now is for people to use it to test to make sure ALiVE and the index are playing nicely without issues.

    I'm waiting for the map to drop tomorrow but this is basically the QuickStart from the wiki, but for Tanoa. I definitely plan on just using this as a base for my own mission though, assuming their aren't any problems.

  5. Alright, thanks for the information.

  6. Hmm, It would appear one needs to sign in with specific credentials to download it from that site.

  7. ^ Agree w/ Pol Pot...would love to have it.

  8. Here's a copy until Tupolov updates his link to something public: . ^^

    Keep in mind that the mission / index will probably stop working once APEX releases tomorrow. Also I'm not sure if it's indexed on RC or DEV or that they are the same, you'll find out soon enough. :)

  9. It's an RC index

  10. Nice!

  11. Sorry for this question, but how do I add these files correctly?

  12. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I haven't had a chance to DL this file yet, but I'm pretty sure it should have a folder called "X". Put that folder in the root of the QuickStart mission or whatever mission you are making. Then, in your launcher or startup parameters, write -filepatching

    EDIT: Oops! Wrong thread! :)

    You'll still need to do the above with the index for the mission to work.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by marceldev89

    Just place the contents of the archive in your missions folder and it should show up on scenarios and/or the editor. It's probably obsolete soon-ish since APEX is releasing around this time.

  14. @marceldev89

    After the official release, it's the X folder from the index in the mission root run with -filepatching, correct? Am I missing anything?

    I'm looking to start building and testing tonight.

  15. Edited 8 years ago by marceldev89

    As soon as APEX is released (which it apparently is right now) they'll do a reindex and release a new ALiVE version. No need for x folders after that. :)

  16. APEX is updating on Steam right now.

  17. Friznit

    11 Jul 2016 Administrator

    Pre-release tester's build for Apex is here:

    More than likely going to be a shit load of bugs, not least with the Tanoa Index but feel free to give it a whirl. I'll be spending most of tonight bug hunting and redoing the index.

    Now where did I put that bottle of wine?

  18. Good to see, keep up the great work. :)

  19. @Friznit

    What would you like us to focus on, testing-wise? I'm assuming enough people will be messing with the Tanoa map and index (that's what I was planning on doing too), but I can mess with some of my other missions if you want to stress test the ALiVE update itself in various circumstances.

  20. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Player Resupply - Specifically vehicles, boats, and containers. These should all be slingloaded and if close to water, boats should be dropped in water.
    Mil Logistics - Ensuring no scripting errors are seen and motorized units are slingloaded in occasionally
    Virtual Combat - Basically making sure no scripting errors popup and that virtual simulation never freezes

  21. 8 years ago


    11 Jul 2016 Administrator

    Good news:

    The Tanoa index works great.

    Tesing Mil Log / Resupply seems OK apart from new Forcepool readout throws a var error.
    No issues seen yet in Virtual Combat

    Not so good so far:

    CS Sling loading is wonky - picks up but won't drop off. Options still display even with Slingloading set to No in module.

    AI is terrible at flying the new virtibirds!

  22. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS


    I see Al Rayak, N'Ziwasogo and Bozcaada have been crossed out on the indexing section of Github.

    Thanks guys!

  23. Friznit

    11 Jul 2016 Administrator

    Added: Diyala, Sugar Lake, Nogova, Sarugao A3, Bozcaada, Tanoa, Re-indexed: N'Ziwasogo v0.94 & Al Rayak v0043 :)

  24. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    So I'm having a couple startup errors with the new ALiVE test update when continuing a vanilla(ish) mission on Altis (ALiVE, CBA, Spyder Addons). I think one was reported above but the other I'm not so sure:

    A few other things. Ok, so the option to slingload is confusing me a bit. So I take it I can only command this to be done with manually placed transport choppers, correct? Anyway, I'm a bit confused by it but also am seeing some definite bugs. For instance, when commanding a transport chopper to slingload an object, I'm finding it has a very difficult time finding something to pick up.

    I have a row of vehicles; mainly Hunters. When I command the chopper there it seems to really not want to find them but I will admit I may not be clicking on the map accurately enough. Mission makers should definitely beware of marking their objects either while making their missions or after moving them mid-mission. Also, I've yet to successfully get it to pick up anything, including the ambient cargo that now gets spread near the radius of the chopper. I guess it doesn't help that these don't show up as physical objects on the map (like a BLUFOR unit would be marked blue on the map, for example), but fortunately we can physically pick them up and move them with advanced logistics though.

    This clutter, where is the option to allow/not allow?

    Anyway, one bug I'm seeing is once a chopper unsuccessfully tries and fails to slingload something, it gets perpetually stuck and can't get sent on any new assignments. Although I was able to successfully command it to RTB, I can't get it to go back out and do anything else. I request it to slingload a new object, for example, I do get the radio chatter that it is on its way, but it just sits at the RTB point.

    Also, with the radio chatter being voiced, that's a nice touch. Is American English the only option or does it inherit the speaking voices of the faction at hand? If not would other accents and languages be possible?

    Regarding the logistics side, I have admit, the new phrases put in the tablet are not very clear. I mean I suppose I could ask you guys what it all means (please, what do they mean?), but I'd have to imagine if I can't figure out what the new logistics options are, new players wouldn't stand a chance. Would it be possible to phrase the logistics helidrop options a bit more clearly?

  25. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Oh....the Tanoa QuickStart Mission? Superb. We have it up on the server now and man it's fun. :)

    EDIT: Ah.....We had a "You were kicked off the game" error where we all got kicked. Though we were running ACE and Advanced Rappelling. Figured it was worth mentioning just incase anyone sees anything similar. But man oh map Tanoa is epic. It might be the best map I've seen in any game ever. Wow.

  26. I see in the update notes that you guys have altered how civ objectives are filtered and that it will impact civ numbers. For existing Assymetric missions, I currently have them all set to Do Not Filter for size and priority (and extreme numbers). I like my civs! :) Reading that, I'm assuming I'll need to tone it back to maintain my mission previous balances?

    Would limiting size and priority from small objectives only in both settings be equivalent to the old "do not filter" more or less? Or should I just leave them unfiltered like I have them currently set?

  27. Edited 8 years ago by Kniker

    sofar so good... one small problem the BLU_GEN_F faction does not seem to be spawning properly not sure if its been done yet but adding the police faction to patrol the civ objectives would make for some interesting missions. and the new vert birds are spawning and blowing up in hangers...

  28. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  I see in the update notes that you guys have altered how civ objectives are filtered and that it will impact civ numbers. For existing Assymetric missions, I currently have them all set to Do Not Filter for size and priority (and extreme numbers). I like my civs! :) Reading that, I'm assuming I'll need to tone it back to maintain my mission previous balances?

    Would limiting size and priority from small objectives only in both settings be equivalent to the old "do not filter" more or less? Or should I just leave them unfiltered like I have them currently set?

    This change was for Military Civilian Objective Placement modules. Basically it should be fine unless a map has a massive amount of towns (Altis).

    adding the police faction to patrol the civ objectives would make for some interesting missions

    You can do this yourself by adding a civilian military objective placement module and set it to spawn the police faction

  29. @SpyderBlack723 You can do this yourself by adding a civilian military objective placement module and set it to spawn the police faction

    when adding the BLU_GEN_F faction alive spawns csat... after checking cfgfactionclasses and cfggroups i think i found the problem... arma has them listed as BLU_GEN_F on the factionclasses and in the cfggroups has them listed as faction Gendarmerie so when spawning BLU_GEN_F it says no units for faction and defaults to csat.

  30. Tupolov

    12 Jul 2016 Administrator

    Thanks for the testing and feedback guys. We'll be pushing this version out today and then we'll do a patch either end of this week or early next.

    So to summarize current issues:

    1. Slingloading is a bit hit/miss, people want option to get rid of container clutter
    2. Air building index isn't quite right, aircraft spawning in terminal buildings
    3. New Police faction does not spawn
  31. @Tupolov any idea what's causing the error in my first image up above? I've never seen that one before. The second I think has been established by you guys but the first one I have no clue.

    @everyone For all you SP'ers and small groups out there that don't feel like mucking about with the editor, I'll be modifying the Quick Start mission to include an AI spawner (with Spyder Addons), multiple outposts for multi-respawn (one per island), and maybe a couple other small things (such as ambient civs, multiple boat docks for easier travel, etc).

    I'll have something up in the next couple days. This map is so sweet and ALiVE plays on it so nicely, it would be a shame if anyone missed out on it.

  32. Tupolov

    12 Jul 2016 Administrator

    Can you post your RPT where those script errors were seen?

  33. Yeah sure. I'll get it to you in the PM.

  34. Nice job guys .. been eagerly waiting for this update. Has the Task persistence bug been fixed? Please say u did please please ... :)

  35. It's still open on the Github and not in the new patch notes so I'd assume it's still not working correctly. They'll get there. It's referenced in the right place (Github) so I'm sure they'll have a chance to dig into its as soon as they can.

  36. Another great release thanks! Anyone have an idea what the Tanoa civ faction name is?

  37. CIV_F sadly.

    I reported/requested BIS to seperate them into their own faction on their forums.

  38. Why would they NOT separate them right off the bat? Seems sloppy, or lazy.

    Time to start mucking about with Tanoa. Can't decide if I want to do an Anti-Piracy/drug interdiction campaign, Abu-Sayyaf rebellion, or what...
    Is the Syndikat usable as an ALIVE faction? I'd like to use them as a rebel force if possible.

  39. Yup they are!

    Yea thats disapointing, oh BIS

  40. @Tupolov

    Here's the rpt for the first error:

    Happy to report the second one is gone now though! But yeah, I have no idea what's going on with this one.

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