Favorite Unit Packs

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  2. 9 years ago

    So I tried to use UK3CB_BAF_Faction but that just spawned some random units which were immediately hostile.

  3. Make sure you put the faction in the placement module AND the overall commander module. Otherwise you'll spawn Opfor

  4. Edited 9 years ago by GhostNI

    Wait wait, go back a few posts here, Did i see that we can add custom vehicles to an ALiVE faction that will spawn in by AI commander to be used for taking objectives? I need this. Show me :)

    All this time I have just placed it in 2d editor and synced to Commander but they just stay around the area I placed them.

  5. @GhostNI Wait wait, go back a few posts here, Did i see that we can add custom vehicles to an ALiVE faction that will spawn in by AI commander to be used for taking objectives? I need this. Show me :)

    All this time I have just placed it in 2d editor and synced to Commander but they just stay around the area I placed them.

    I thought you were supposed to sync them to the Virtual AI module?

  6. If I sync them to the Virtual AI module (which isn't synced to anything by default) how will it know what commander it will be assigned too, or should I sync those vehicles to virtual AI module and the AI Commander module? I'm having the same issue as @GhostNI.

  7. Don't sync the vehicle to the commander module. Put the vehicles faction name in that.

    Sync it only to the AI module.

    To answer your question vagus, it knows the vehicle exists and what to do with it because the vehicke's faction is placed in the AI commander module and will operate the vehicle accordingly based on what that AI commander's objectives are.

  8. This is the most frustrating thing for me when it comes to ARMA at the moment.

    So many cool addons which are for one reason or another just not compatible with each other or simply not configured properly for ALiVE.
    This is one reason why I find myself more and more just using Vanilla units/weapons/vehicles because I know they all work properly and are balanced with each other. (Plus they are actually pretty cool)

    But then I do miss running around Takistan with an M4 shooting Taliban.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @JD_Wang This is the most frustrating thing for me when it comes to ARMA at the moment.

    So many cool addons which are for one reason or another just not compatible with each other or simply not configured properly for ALiVE.
    This is one reason why I find myself more and more just using Vanilla units/weapons/vehicles because I know they all work properly and are balanced with each other. (Plus they are actually pretty cool)

    But then I do miss running around Takistan with an M4 shooting Taliban.

    What specifically keeps you from doing that? I was running around killing Taliban in Takistan last night. :)

  10. Just frustration and my own impatience I guess. I forget which addon I was using, but I think the problem was it didn't have Middle Eastern civilians, (which I'd foolishly assumed it had because why would you make a Taliban style addon without civilians?) and so it kept spawning some sort of uniformed army instead.

    So I switched to another and then I was getting huge groups spawning which you just don't want and in the end I just thought screw it, I'll go back to vanilla because I know all the armour/ballistic values are balanced and it just works with no issues.

    I know there's way around it and I could probably put together a group of addons from this thread which work together etc, but in all honesty sometimes I don't want to mix and match, I just want things that work. (And that's entirely on me)

  11. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @JD_Wang Just frustration and my own impatience I guess. I forget which addon I was using, but I think the problem was it didn't have Middle Eastern civilians, (which I'd foolishly assumed it had because why would you make a Taliban style addon without civilians?) and so it kept spawning some sort of uniformed army instead.

    So I switched to another and then I was getting huge groups spawning which you just don't want and in the end I just thought screw it, I'll go back to vanilla because I know all the armour/ballistic values are balanced and it just works with no issues.

    I know there's way around it and I could probably put together a group of addons from this thread which work together etc, but in all honesty sometimes I don't want to mix and match, I just want things that work. (And that's entirely on me)

    Two things:

    1. Just to make sure you understand how populating with civilians works (not saying you don't, just clarifying), you'd need to enter the faction of the civilians themselves in the civilian placement module. A lot of Taliban-esque mods don't have civs, unfortunately. But the ones that do use a different faction name from the infantry units.

    2. Try CAF Aggressors with the CAF Audio patch. It's the best Taliban faction available IMO. Taliban units are caf_ag_me_t and the civs are caf_ag_me_civ. The unit spawn numbers are perfect for me and you don't have to worry about armor values because the Taliban don't wear armor. They try to blend in with the local populace. It's really the best available IMO. It's not even close.

  12. Thanks dude, yeah I know how civs work, it was just that the addon had none.

    I'll make sure to use caf in future. As I say these are all things I probably could have sorted out, but it was just frustration/impatience on my part.

    Now we have a flash new 3D editor to play with I think my mission making enthusiasm should return :)

  13. @AUTigerGrad Don't sync the vehicle to the commander module. Put the vehicles faction name in that.

    Sync it only to the AI module.

    Ok im using 80s soviets from Massi's Russian Pack but "mas_rus_spet_hd" only spawns UAZ and URAL vics.
    How do I get a faction name for all russian vics and where exactly do I add it? In the same place I have "mas_rus_spet_hd"?

  14. mas_rus_spet...leave the hd off

  15. @AUTigerGrad mas_rus_spet...leave the hd off

    And this will spawn vehicles with 80s Soviet in vehicles with NO modern infantry? I dont want the modern Russian infantry spawning but i need some armour and helis for my 80s grunts.

  16. Hmmm...just 80s. Not sure. I think that is just a "test" unit. I don't think Massi has completed his full 80s era troop set so they may not be configured just for 80s.

  17. Ok, cheers

  18. 8 years ago


    6 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Awesome list! Thanks Sir!

  19. 3CB British Unit Pack ....
    I want to use it but I just don't get the whole "put vehicles to be used by the AI Commander" Thing.
    Can someone explain me please, what I have to do to get my OPCOM to spawn/order vehicles as well as infantry?

  20. @Murdock 3CB British Unit Pack ....
    I want to use it but I just don't get the whole "put vehicles to be used by the AI Commander" Thing.
    Can someone explain me please, what I have to do to get my OPCOM to spawn/order vehicles as well as infantry?

    Yeah Murdock I'd like clarification on this too. I've put countless hours into 3CB/ALiVE and have seen a grand total of one occurance of a placed motorized vehicle doing anything other than sitting there. And even then it was a fluke (I added a module and forgot to blacklist OPFOR from spawning in my base. A CAS chopper went up in the sky and started raining rounds down on the insurgents).

    The way I was told to do this was to place a manned vehicle and sync it to the Virtual AI module. I've done this with choppers and ground vehicles and other than that one time, they've never moved from their position so I definitely don't think I'm doing it right. They never go on "assignment."

  21. Make sure the setting in the Virtual AI module is set to profile synced units

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