

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Thu Mar 10 04:01:20 2016

    I love these forums so much...

  2. Fri Feb 19 06:18:51 2016

    My friend quit ARMA out of sheer disgust and frustration after trying to make missions, I showed him a video of me putting a laptop on a table and adding a chair in 30 seconds....he's reinstalling right now.

  3. Wed Feb 17 22:01:11 2016

    I'm primarly on Zargabad and maybe the next one will be Isla Duala...so that's fine :-)

  4. Wed Feb 17 20:34:57 2016

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Yeah it's better that way any way. About half the task are broken or unreliable in some way. I pick the ones I like and the ones that work and just do those. The task system is fun. I hope to see the faulty ones fixed eventually. It's a neat system.

    Which task do you find less broken than others? I haven't really explored much with it...I do remember doing a couple defend objectives that never properly completed...

  5. Wed Feb 17 19:18:18 2016

    Ah, ok I see what you mean..I thought I would have OPCOM autogenerate tasks, versus a manual generation...but that works. I suppose I could hop into the Alive tablet during a moment of downtime and create a quick task.

  6. Wed Feb 17 18:45:21 2016

    Exactly what I would look for, now where do I find the name field for the tasks generated by C2ISTAR?

  7. Wed Feb 17 17:58:49 2016
    V vaguswarrior started the conversation Flagging tasks as C2ISTAR vs. Editor placed tasks.

    First off, I wanted to thank you guys, I'm pretty new to editing/mission making and I'll be honest the forum has 4-5 of the most helpful people I've ever run across. I ask questions in www.reddit.com/r/armadev but it seems like most of those questions get partially answered and I don't know where to turn to get the full answer. For some reason I can't seem to post in the BI Forums, although I have an account..anyways..thank you guys.

    I have a mission where I've populated a few editor placed tasks. Sometimes my small groups likes to keep playing with ALiVE since even after the main objectives of a mission are complete it's fun to just keep doing random stuff. But I'd like to find a way to flag tasks generated by C2ISTAR so that they are viewed optional, or expire after a certain period so we can cycle fresh activities while trying to complete the main objectives.

    I guess you can think of this analogously to an RPG game, where Main Quest tasks are set by the mission maker (me) and C2ISTAR is generating random side quests...I'd like the Task lists found in your diary/journal to flag the C2ISTAR as optional objectives. Also I'd like that if these tasks aren't something my team want to do they can just "wait it out" and C2ISTAR will assign a new task after a predetermined period.

    In essence I want my team to work in parallel with friendly OPCOM, occasionally OPCOM will request help from the players (via C2ISTAR) but players have full freedom to ignore those taskings and continue with their primary objectives. Since multiple editor placed objectives appear throughout the mission, I'd like a way to differentiate Primary Tasks and OPCOM "requests". Something as easy as tagging the task title with "OPCOM Request: *generic task name here*" would work?

  8. Wed Feb 17 17:00:20 2016
    V vaguswarrior posted in Favorite Unit Packs.

    If I sync them to the Virtual AI module (which isn't synced to anything by default) how will it know what commander it will be assigned too, or should I sync those vehicles to virtual AI module and the AI Commander module? I'm having the same issue as @GhostNI.

  9. Tue Feb 16 22:47:59 2016
    V vaguswarrior posted in Favorite Unit Packs.

    So I tried to use UK3CB_BAF_Faction but that just spawned some random units which were immediately hostile.

  10. Tue Feb 16 19:59:08 2016
    V vaguswarrior posted in Favorite Unit Packs.

    Yeah I'm doing a mission on CUP Zargabad but the distances are too far for infantry to just spawn and run...vehicles would help, especially if they are just motorized not mechanized. Right now I have ambient vehicles turned on but they are just spawning HEMTT trucks. So having some ambient jackals or coyotes would be great, although the logistical variety seems to mess royally with ACE repair modules.

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