Flagging tasks as C2ISTAR vs. Editor placed tasks

  1. 9 years ago

    First off, I wanted to thank you guys, I'm pretty new to editing/mission making and I'll be honest the forum has 4-5 of the most helpful people I've ever run across. I ask questions in www.reddit.com/r/armadev but it seems like most of those questions get partially answered and I don't know where to turn to get the full answer. For some reason I can't seem to post in the BI Forums, although I have an account..anyways..thank you guys.

    I have a mission where I've populated a few editor placed tasks. Sometimes my small groups likes to keep playing with ALiVE since even after the main objectives of a mission are complete it's fun to just keep doing random stuff. But I'd like to find a way to flag tasks generated by C2ISTAR so that they are viewed optional, or expire after a certain period so we can cycle fresh activities while trying to complete the main objectives.

    I guess you can think of this analogously to an RPG game, where Main Quest tasks are set by the mission maker (me) and C2ISTAR is generating random side quests...I'd like the Task lists found in your diary/journal to flag the C2ISTAR as optional objectives. Also I'd like that if these tasks aren't something my team want to do they can just "wait it out" and C2ISTAR will assign a new task after a predetermined period.

    In essence I want my team to work in parallel with friendly OPCOM, occasionally OPCOM will request help from the players (via C2ISTAR) but players have full freedom to ignore those taskings and continue with their primary objectives. Since multiple editor placed objectives appear throughout the mission, I'd like a way to differentiate Primary Tasks and OPCOM "requests". Something as easy as tagging the task title with "OPCOM Request: *generic task name here*" would work?

  2. Well, you can always manually delete outstanding tasks that are no longer needed through the CISTAR command tablet.

    Honestly...the other thing I would recommend to "flag" optional tasks...simply name the tasks "name-optional".

    I.e. Kill the HVT I would name Kill the HVT OPTIONAL.

    It would show as optional in the tasks/briefing.

    I know it sounds simple, but that would be the best way IMO.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @AUTigerGrad Well, you can always manually delete outstanding tasks that are no longer needed through the CISTAR command tablet.

    Honestly...the other thing I would recommend to "flag" optional tasks...simply name the tasks "name-optional".

    I.e. Kill the HVT I would name Kill the HVT OPTIONAL.

    It would show as optional in the tasks/briefing.

    I know it sounds simple, but that would be the best way IMO.

    Yep. Both of these ideas are exactly what I would do if I was you.

  4. Exactly what I would look for, now where do I find the name field for the tasks generated by C2ISTAR?

  5. When you manually generate a task, there's an option to rename the task in the commander tablet.

  6. Ah, ok I see what you mean..I thought I would have OPCOM autogenerate tasks, versus a manual generation...but that works. I suppose I could hop into the Alive tablet during a moment of downtime and create a quick task.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @vaguswarrior Ah, ok I see what you mean..I thought I would have OPCOM autogenerate tasks, versus a manual generation...but that works. I suppose I could hop into the Alive tablet during a moment of downtime and create a quick task.

    Yeah it's better that way any way. About half the task are broken or unreliable in some way. I pick the ones I like and the ones that work and just do those. The task system is fun. I hope to see the faulty ones fixed eventually. It's a neat system.

  8. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Yeah it's better that way any way. About half the task are broken or unreliable in some way. I pick the ones I like and the ones that work and just do those. The task system is fun. I hope to see the faulty ones fixed eventually. It's a neat system.

    Which task do you find less broken than others? I haven't really explored much with it...I do remember doing a couple defend objectives that never properly completed...

  9. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Defend objects don't really work. The "clear the town" task doesn't work. Transport only sometimes works (the guy you have to pick up sometimes won't get in the vehicle).

    So for me, the offensive ones are my favorite and pretty reliable. Kill the HVT I love. Destroy the vehicle I like (sorta). Also destroying the enemy cache is great too but sometimes fails to properly place the object that needs to be destroyed. I still really love that one so I recommend at least trying it, keeping in mind what needs to be blown up could be trapped inside 10 feet of solid concrete. :)

    I'm sure I'm missing some but like I said, the ones where you go on offense all seem to not only be fun, but work as advertised.

    If a task does not end up working properly, you can always delete the task via the tablet too.

  10. Keep in mind the tasks I say don't work may be limited to A2 maps. Some of them probably definitely are.

    I haven't tested Altis/Stratis in other words.

  11. I'm primarly on Zargabad and maybe the next one will be Isla Duala...so that's fine :-)

  12. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    do you have a solid list of tasks that work / dont work?

  13. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Solid? Not really. From what I'm seeing on A2 maps...

    Kill the HVT, Destroy the Vehicle and Destroy the Infantry Patrol (or whatever it is called) work pretty well.

    Transport troops sorta works (50/50. The dudes won't get in the vehicle sometimes. I think it's related to them sensing danger. They don't like to board the vehicle if danger is present). Destroy or blow up the supplies or whatever it's called also sometimes doesn't work (the item that needs to be blown up is sometimes either placed in 10 feet of solid concrete or it's tasked for a piece of literal garbage to be destroyed. This garbage cannot be blown up so the task never completes. It's the one that sits next to the fire barrel at an enemy camp site).

    "Clear the town" which I believe is a civ assault never ever works. I'm not so sure one way or the other on "Mil Assault" tasks. Also the defend base never ever works either.

    Basically, defensive tasks don't work. The offensive tasks are better but very unreliable.

  14. Ok thanks.. do you recall if they are more reliable in general on A3 maps?

  15. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Spyder I think said something to that effect if I recall correctly. But I think it was just in regards to the clear the town objective.

    I don't have any A3 map missions going so I can't say. The only thing I can offer is that when I first discovered ALiVE I tried Operation Landlord and the Transport Troops mission was broken then too. LOL! So yeah, at least some of them are broken regardless.

    What I can do is test them for you if you'd like. I can't actually "play" ARMA right now thanks to the update breaking all my missions so I have ample time to run some tests. I can setup a vanilla Altis mission and test anything you guys might want help with. Let me know. It would be my pleasure. :)

  16. If you're offering.. then yeah it would be helpful to test them one by one on Altis. Make sure you have -showScriptErrors enabled and/or your RPT file so we can look at the error messages. Try to run with just CBA and ALIVE. Let me know if you have any questions.. and THANKS!

  17. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    No problem! I'll see what I can come up with. Is CBA 2.3.1 ok? I don't have any older versions. Just the newest one on Workshop.

  18. Actually. No biggie if not, but if anyone had a bland vanilla mission on Altis set up to go and could forward me the mission.sqm that would save me some setup time. No worries if not.

  19. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I'll spend more time testing this tomorrow. Using a very slightly modified Operation Landlord. I spent an hour trying to see how mil assault would play out and I kept dying. LOL! I suck. Had to add the AI skill module before calling it quits. Hopefully now I'll suck less and can actually be good enough to start testing these with only ALiVE and CBA. Can't test if you die. :) Vanilla CSAT is much MUCH more skilled than CAF Aggressors which I'm used to. Wow.

  20. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    Much easier if you are invincible - in debug console or in your player init line either:

    player enableDamage false;
    player setCaptive true;

    Actually the 2nd one could cause issues.. .I would stick with the first.

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