

Last active 10 years ago

  1. 10 years ago
    Wed Feb 4 01:32:04 2015

    ok after extensive testing I found out that it doesn't like the filters too much I just did do not filter and it worked for me. Hope this helps. the placement objects and make sure you sync the civ obj to the ai commander... Try just using an ai command and a civ placment with no filters and make sure you have to required base modules for alive.

  2. Fri Jan 30 04:05:37 2015

    If you delete the ai commander does it load for you? It does for me

  3. Thu Jan 29 01:09:04 2015

    I am having the same problem and its making me mad... Now I will post a link for the pbo mission I am testing... please do not distribute of course but... this is weird... I just want to have a ao marker called OPFOR_1 now if I place a Mil Placement Mil Obj by it self.... I can get it to spawn units at the TAOR marker... but as soon as I add a military ai commander to it and sync it the Mil Placement it won't load... but when I put a mil placement mil obj for nato as objectives only and place a ai commander for nato its loads fine. can you please tell me why... and I tried the quickstart guide on the wiki and it doesn't work for me step by step... I can get everything to work the way I want... just can't use the ai commander whatsoever... please advise.

    pbo download

    Basically my objective to setup multiple zones on the map this way. With seperate commanders for each area and possible add custom factions but I can't get the basics down yet. New to ALIVE mission making... been doing scripted missions a while now. I also made sure the opcom factions matched the mil placements.

    Also I don't understand the minimum requirements for the AI Commander do I need to have an opposing commander or not and do they both have to be synced to a placement module?

  4. Thu Jan 29 00:54:41 2015
    B Biosphere joined the forum.