the issue is, the server is getting tons of traffic on recieve, for no actual reason, which makes it all stale
like, the recieve end start to have the same or even more value than sending
(this is how it looks normally and server works fine)

when this little fella goes crazy - you get the situation described
when the recieve is getting that huge, you notice the server "freeze", even though it doesn not hang, it's just the packets of actual info aren't coming through
i have no idea what cause it,
we thought it was ddos,
we thought it was some DNS error
my guess it have something to do with cycle input/something among these lines, as it's clearly depending on players on server, and if they leave the recieve end drops back to normal, but the server is still fucked
and if you get all clients disconnected, and you alone join back - the server is slow as hell and would not even load you to the mission.
i have no idea what causes it
also hi jaypee ; )