Server freezes (Fixed!)

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  2. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by Ophelian

    Thank you dor the pointers. The test mission on Altis was also some botched "stress test" so iylt is onviously oberkill in the placements and profiles.

    Initially the mission is made for CUP Takistan with much less units due to the lack of buildings compared to Altis.

    The intention behind this mission was to make an enemy "bastion" and spawn them in a "no go zone" so that they stay in virtual space. I have them in the taor to spawn in that zone. Because the Mil AI commander only scans inside that taor for objectives i decided to put down custom objecrives to force the objectives outside the taor. This makes a very different mission compared to just putting down a taor that takes the whole map. We wanted to have a map with no cqb to make a more civilian map so we can work more on the populace and have a more realistic insurgency. The enemy is more scarce and they tricle down from their bastion. So in practice, when you start patrolling our job would be to reduce tension in villages and gradually push against the insurgents in the villages. The idea behind the huge clusterfuck of units in the taor is that they would be the "reserve" for the commander (but still have logistics for long term missions) and it would never be patroled by our unit, thus the huge blob of units. Bit its defenetly too much on the long run.

    What i would like to see, maybe in future iterations, is a taor and blacklist for the mil ai commander, so you spawn the enemy in one zone and you dont need multiple cust obj to generate objectives for the commander. So you can give the commander a place to spawn units with taor_1 for the mil civ placements but have a taor_2 that gives the AO to the commander. Does that make any sense?

    But i defenetly overdid thisossion, will revise.

  3. highhead

    15 Mar 2016 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by highhead

    Oh yeah! I see!

    You could do that by using

    • 3 MIL Placement. 2x OPF_F and 1x BLU_F (MP 1 and MP 2 and MP3).
    • 3 Taor markers: PLACEMENT_1 and PLACEMENT_2 and PLACEMENT_3
    • In MP 1 TAOR you put PLACEMENT_1 marker
    • In MP 2 TAOR you put PLACEMENT_2 marker
    • In MP 3 TAOR you put PLACEMENT_3 marker

    To BLUFOR AI Commander you sync only MP 1 and your MP 3! MP1 will be the objectives that the AI commander attacks with troops provided by MP3. MP 2 will only spawn AI but your AI commander wont attack those objectives.

    or do i miss something.

    btw. that script error is fixed in dev soonish :)

  4. Edited 9 years ago by Ophelian

    Makes a lot of sense @highhead , i wasnt too sure about my "architecture" with alive but this makes much more sense for what im trying to do, and takes much less time and ressources to do it. Only having the wiki and not many examples on how an asymetric mission is made i could only guess the structure of the modules and trial and error every prototype. Glad this mission helped iron out a bug, sometimes i dont jnow if its a bug or just my fault trying to do something too "exotic" with ALiVE modules. Thank very much and take care. Im eager to use 1.1!

    P.s with the current 1.0 version, if i disable the roadblock placement do you think its a good workaround to make the mission work or should i use either the dev build or just wait for 1.1?

  5. highhead

    15 Mar 2016 Administrator

    just remember: the AI commander will control all AI of the factions that he is assigned to. Wether the creating MIL MP is synced to it or not. These troops (of unsynced MIL MPs that would create additional AI of the same faction) can be his reeinforcements to if you decide so.

    plus I fixed that script error (wasnt anything major).

  6. @highhead @Tupolov Question to you guys...

    Would it be possible to add a line in Player Combat Logistics to be able to white list multiple factions to call in reinforcements/supplies?

    As of now we can choose either Faction or its more all or one. But in many missions I might be using 2 Blufors (3CB and CUP Takistani Locals for example) and may want to call in troops or supplies from both. But if I have side selected....I have to cycle through several other factions not used or blacklist 100 different unused faction classnames.

    Having the ability to call in Logistics for multiple factions would be pretty handy. Just thinking out loud.

  7. Got it, i didnt know i could place a Mil MP and leave it "looose" like that, thought it needed a synch to work properly. Many thank @highhead thats a load off my mind, your team works wonders!

  8. @Ophelian What i would like to see, maybe in future iterations, is a taor and blacklist for the mil ai commander, so you spawn the enemy in one zone and you dont need multiple cust obj to generate objectives for the commander. So you can give the commander a place to spawn units with taor_1 for the mil civ placements but have a taor_2 that gives the AO to the commander. Does that make any sense?

    If I understand your intentions properly, you can use the "Create Objectives Only" switch on the placement modules so that they will only create objectives for the commander to focus on and not spawn any units. This way you can have OPFOR units on one side and BLUFOR units on the other and they go head to head to try and take over the opposing side's "area".

  9. @SpyderBlack723 If I understand your intentions properly, you can use the "Create Objectives Only" switch on the placement modules so that they will only create objectives for the commander to focus on and not spawn any units. This way you can have OPFOR units on one side and BLUFOR units on the other and they go head to head to try and take over the opposing side's "area".

    Makes a lot of sense, never did use this option in the module in fact, this plugs in well with what @highhead was talking about, using one on create objectives only and the other to spawn. Must be lighter on the server or just the analysis because its not spammed with 10+ custom objectives all tailored for each village (priority, range) and i can keep the whole map as an AO and still be capable of keeping my enemy "bastion" principle. I like this a lot.

  10. Fix deployed in latest release!

  11. @SpyderBlack723 Fix deployed in latest release!

    Man that was fast! Will try it out in a couple of hours, thank you so much

  12. Tupolov

    15 Mar 2016 Administrator

  13. Wow! I wasn't expecting that so soon! Thanks! The changelog is really really impressive.

  14. @highhead Did you manage to push your fix for the script error in the latest update? I really hate to be the one to say this but not only i get the same error but now pur dedicated crashes. Not the network error though, just a plain and simple crash. Ill upload my files after work (in approx 8h from now) if you are interested. I built the mission based on your example, it works wonderfully also, very good solution to my problem (i only use opf placement we dont use the BLU side). Ill be back with an update later tonight.

  15. highhead

    16 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Thanks to Ophelians vanilla mission I was able to trace down a second BAD issue that seems to have been introduced lately due to changes in ARMA3 (3DEN i guess).

    When using MIL IED module and teleporting to a town with IEDs it seems to INSTA-CRASH for some funny reason, if createvehicle is called with invaild input params from within a trigger. I assume it has to do something with error handling, but actually wasn't able to proof (yet). If I bypass that call or provide correct input params it doesnt crash.

    Anyways, I fixed that too and pushed to DEV, but it wasn't in last nights update!
    Also this is a completely different thing than the server freeze that was fixed (no out of mem crash, but an insta crash).

    So if you still get any crashes (which i didnt in my further tests, but with ophelians mission i was able to repro them), please try to remove the MIL IED module for now until its deployed!

  16. highhead

    16 Mar 2016 Administrator

    no also the script error fix isnt in there, but i guess i found your problem @Ophelian, read above! Posted the same second as you...

  17. @highhead wow talk about synchronicity! Perfect! Ill check this out tonight when ill be home. Thank you very much for your time.

  18. Does this crash only occur during teleportation or can it happen during regular gameplay as well? The reason I ask is because I think the same crash is happening to me (I teleport a super mega-ton when making missions and CTD pretty often.)

  19. highhead

    16 Mar 2016 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by highhead

    it happens also during regular gameplay if you enter a zone where there should IEDs spawn. Remove the MIL IED module for now. Seems to be introduced lately. Never had any issues with IEDs actually until I saw that.

    PS: is fixed in DEV already, just needs deploy

  20. Crash happened on my client side when i finished loading up the mission on the dedicated. Once the mission was read and loaded i CTD on client side. Another friend connected and managed to reload the mission with no CTD. We took a humvee and then rolled to the first enemy zone (onlt 1 or 2 peofiles in the zone) ans then the server crashed.

  21. highhead

    16 Mar 2016 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by highhead

    it really gets obvious if you choose ambient IEDs on MIL IED module that are scattered over the island. If you use "Insurgency" mode with AI Commander including MIL IED module with no ambient settings (as intended), you would need to stumble across an IED zone established by Insurgents activitiy which happens a lot less.

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