Server freezes (Fixed!)

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 9 years ago

    Thanks for isolating it, Highhead. Is a quick hotfix something you guys would consider on this? As far as I can tell, it's one of the last glaringly obvious problems that need addressing. Yesterday's update was miraculous!

  3. highhead

    16 Mar 2016 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by highhead

    totally agree! just suggested to the team!

    PS: Sorry for the inconvinience. im just glad i'm able to knock out those issues.

  4. @highhead did you see my post above regarding naming multiple factions to call player reinforcements from? Didn't know if this was something that could be added to the next release. If it's too complicated to do, no problem but thought I would mention it.

  5. Friznit

    16 Mar 2016 Administrator

    It's a new feature rather than a bug, and we're not adding anything at the moment so we can focus on achieving a stable baseline. Will add to the backlog for future consideration.

  6. Hmmm. I have a mission made before Eden that is not having that IED issue. We had 6 guys in a town fighting, and I teleported out to them using Zeus to observe. There were IED's in the vicinity as they had several go off, yet I did not suffer any CTD's.

    Guess it's because the error only happens on Eden built maps?

  7. British Steel hasn't crashed and I was actually blown up by an IED a few times lol.

  8. @ski2060 I dont think its related to 3den, @highhead knows more than i do, i even cheked and uncheked the file binarisation for mission.sqm but its a long shot. Not even closely related.

    @AUTigerGrad does your Mil ai commander set to asymetric?

  9. Yup

  10. Tupolov

    16 Mar 2016 Administrator

    New version pushed...


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