Server freezes (Fixed!)

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  2. 9 years ago

    @Tupolov Ok all another update...

    So to recap.:
    1.54/6/7 + ALiVE 1.0 + CBA_A3 + ACE = netcode freeze
    1.52 + ALiVE 1.0 + CBA_A3 + ACE = NO netcode freeze
    1.56 + ALiVE 1.0 + CBA_A3 = NO netcode freeze (so far)

    We're now testing older versions of ACE to see if this is an ACE+ALiVE issue...

    Would appreciate if you guys could also test without ACE just confirm our successful tests so far.

    This is a pretty substantial finding. Well done guys. Tupolov, have you guys reached out to any of the ACE team to make them aware of the potential issue?

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SOAR_Jooce

    @Tupolov Ok all another update...

    So to recap.:
    1.54/6/7 + ALiVE 1.0 + CBA_A3 + ACE = netcode freeze
    1.52 + ALiVE 1.0 + CBA_A3 + ACE = NO netcode freeze
    1.56 + ALiVE 1.0 + CBA_A3 = NO netcode freeze (so far)

    We're now testing older versions of ACE to see if this is an ACE+ALiVE issue...

    Would appreciate if you guys could also test without ACE just confirm our successful tests so far.

    I guess I don't really understand why you're testing with ACE now. Are you simply wanting to eliminate it as well or are you hoping that the freezes will give you more info than other mod combos? We had crashes without ACE running so it looks ALiVE simply doesn't play nice with other mods on 1.54+.

  4. @SOAR_Jooce I guess I don't really understand why you're testing with ACE now. Are you simply wanting to eliminate it as well or are you hoping that the freezes will give you more info than other mod combos? We had crashes without ACE running so it looks ALiVE simply doesn't play nice with other mods on 1.54+.

    Because internal testing has only indicated crashing with ACE active.

  5. This was just posted by Dwarden on the BIforums...

    1.54.134547 profiling & performance v20 server and client, windows/linux
    + decreased BE log spam and resolved some issue

    note: we know about the ALIVE issue - beware if callExtension plugin does something extensive it can stall to freeze the simulation thread

  6. Tupolov

    15 Feb 2016 Administrator

    callExtension is unrelated as people have freezes without it.

  7. Good to see the issue is be narrowed down.
    I'll see if I can get any testing done over the next couple of days.

    I have the standard Operation LandLord and an ACE version I put together. I'll see if I can get some warm bodies to help me test out both versions if possible and look for crashing.

  8. @SpyderBlack723 Because internal testing has only indicated crashing with ACE active.

    Ah, internal testing. Now that our weekend ops are over, I'll test the ALiVE mission that Tupolov sent back to us tonight. Really curious to see if it was JUST module configuration when RHS is involved.

  9. Tupolov

    15 Feb 2016 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by Tupolov

    Update from internal testing:

    1.56 RC with ALiVE 1.0, cba_a3 only and asr_ai serverside. No issues, played for 3hrs +

    Which, although not surprising, is good news ALiVE is stable.

    As reported, with ACE in the mix we get freezes.

    Guess next step is to grab memory dumps (using procDump) and RPT if anyone experiences the freeze (minimal mod pack would be good CBA_A3, ALiVE + one other mode (ACE/RHS/whatever) so we can start to identify the conflict and pass on to BIS.

  10. Tupolov

    16 Feb 2016 Administrator

    I tried to collect all the results from this thread

  11. Edited 9 years ago by Moony

    Okay, as promised: I did some testing regarding this pesky issue.

    What I've done:
    Using the performance binary v20, I tested my MCC Template Mission (a mission I build on for over a year now and which was working untill the end of last year) first with and secondly without ACE.

    How I tried to reproduce the freeze:
    I decided to take the ALiVE Combate Support (basically because I'm happy I can finally use it with VCOM) and fly from the Airport on Altis over to the south, then to Kavala...up north and then on the eastern side of Altis.

    With ACE:
    When I arrived at Kavala I got shot down. I was not dead though, therefore I teleported myself back to the Airport. When I arrived the server froze. (Took about 10min)

    Without ACE:
    I flew my round across Altis (got shot down two times). I did not noticed anything bad. I even dscovered that the memory usage does not significantly rose at any time (Max. was something about 1710MB I think).
    To top it then I spawned a mission via MCC and flew over there. Nothing happened either and everything was running nice.

    I'm pretty sure now that ALIVE and ACE are not friends atm.

    Logs and Missions:
    Sadly I can not provide any memory dumps at the moment (I have no clue how to use procDump and therefore I need to find that out first).
    However, here you have the Logs and missions.

    (The errors at the end of the Log without ACE are because me closing the server down while the mission is still running (damn reflex))

    Mods used:
    ACE, ALiVE, CBA, cTAB, Euroforce, MCC, Task Force Radio, XLA_Fixed Arsenal
    (Yeah, just wanted to make a quick test today. Will do something more useful during the week eventually!)
    ( I did not use ALiVEServer)

  12. Yeah, one thing.
    Since my log is so big, I was not able to upload it without extreme lag to pastebin. Anyway, if you need it are totally free to upload it! ^^

  13. Is there anything we can do to help at this time? The only thing we cannot do is roll back our Arma version, or go to development builds. (Getting 40+ members to do that just so we can get ALiVE to work is not an option.)

  14. Edited 9 years ago by tourist

    Hi guys,

    I had mixed results with server stability and persistence so far. Here's my mission's logs with successful server saving and then restarting with persistence features, using ACE+RHS+BWMOD plus lotsa other mods:

    Not as clean a testing environment as CBA, ALIVE, ACE only, but still worth a look I hope.

  15. @Tupolov I tried to collect all the results from this thread

    I have a feeling that you're wanting to wait until 1.56 and the new version of ACE is released. In the meantime could you please test RHS and ALiVE internally to see if you have the same issues? You'll have to replicate the conditions of other players using the server while you're on by spawning in RED and BLUEFOR forces to duke it out.

  16. Might the issue be cause by a single module in ACE and ALiVE conflicting?
    I put up my Operation Landlord with ACE today, and it's been running about 12 hours with no crash/hang.

    I had 4 players on earlier an nothing happened. We used Arty, called Supplies, used transport and CAS helis. Ran around in a stolen T100 and killed a bunch of CSAT.

    I am still using V16 for the Perf EXE as I haven't been able to get it updated to the latest binary yet.
    I will get you a RPT if needed.

  17. Edited 9 years ago by JerkinMerkin

    Hi guys.

    I have tested with 1.54 running only @ALiVE, @CBA, and @AliveServer and my server froze around 7 hours 30min. With @ace the server froze anywhere from 10min to 1 hour. Therefore it appears to me that @ace is not the issue, it just makes the issue worse.

    More info can be found here:

  18. ACE3 is bugged. There are over 200 issues/bug in current release. You guys need to realize that.
    Using it in your mission can provide unexpected behavior. I cant say "whatever" when for example vanilla killed eventhadler is not returning correct killer/victim or score count are not working. Do not write your complaints here if you are using bugged mod.


    I really like and appreciate the ALiVE mod, but there was something that bothered me. It is about abandoned vehicles. In big alive missions was countless count of abandoned vehicles. Do we have that fixed already?

  19. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Open a ticket on Dev Heaven for the abandoned vehicles thing.

  20. @DaVidoSS ACE3 is bugged. There are over 200 issues/bug in current release. You guys need to realize that.
    Using it in your mission can provide unexpected behavior. I cant say "whatever" when for example vanilla killed eventhadler is not returning correct killer/victim or score count are not working. Do not write your complaints here if you are using bugged mod.

    What you need to realize is that while ACE may have its issues, it's not causing crashes on its own. ALiVE is freezing when used with mods other than just ACE and someone just reported a freeze running just ALiVE.

    Also, no one has really complained about anything lately. Everyone has been contributing data for the cause.

  21. Tupolov

    18 Feb 2016 Administrator


    Internal testing....

    We've not had a netcode freeze yet on new Eden patch + cba 2.3.0 + ALiVE + ACE

    Please let us know if you do.

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