Do you have any idea on a timescale for the freeze-fix release please?
Do you have any idea on a timescale for the freeze-fix release please?
Here's a test build for you guys
ftp://ALiVE:[email protected]/Archive/Release/v1.0.0/@ALiVE_1.0.0.1603141.7z
Requires CBA 2.3.1
@Tupolov Here's a test build for you guys
ftp://ALiVE:[email protected]/Archive/Release/v1.0.0/@ALiVE_1.0.0.1603141.7z
Requires CBA 2.3.1
Tried and working fine, 0 freezes and very good performance.
Many thanks for your efforts, always you give the very best :D
SOAR can confirm as well that the freezing appears to have been fixed. If it hasn't been fixed, it definitely takes a lot longer for it to occur.
We're going to be using it again in our operations going forward. Thanks ALiVE Team!
I've stress tested the hell out of the new test build and British Steel ran for almost 40 hours straight with 10 people in and out of freezes. Well done Tup and Co.
As Jooce said, SOAR has tested this update twice. We ran a 50 min initial test run, everything went smooth. We then learned that since the Eden update came out, Eden missions and headless client don't work well together. So I created a 2D mission and got HC and Alive working. That mission has now been up for 3 hours with no issues. We will be adding it into our groups mod pack and doing large scale testing this weekend. Thanks Alive team!
Great! Kudos to Highhead who tracked down the bug. We actually found a couple of other bugs and compatibility issues :) that are now fixed. This build will be released this week as 1.1.
Many many thanks to you guys for your patience and help in tracking this down!!!
Also we are shipping an in game tool to allow you guys to index maps...
I forgot to mention...we're using headless client in British Steel and added it via the 3D editor. We've had no issues so far. Great work again ALiVE team!
Hugs all around :)
Great work guys. Thanks to the devs and the players.
Tried the new version that @Tupolov put on ftp but i haven't got any success, server still freezes after a couple of minutes. Now im questionning myself if im not doing something wrong with ALiVE modules plain and simple.
I have made a post here maybe 2 weeks ago with my mission file (vanilla on altis) to show the setup ive made. For some obscure reason its when i put the Mil AI Commander to Assymetric and use installations, with the C2IStar module to show total intel, when the mission finishes the initialization it crops up an error referring to a function in ALiVE (screenshot in the zip file of my previous post). When i switch the mission to invasion or occupation everything runs smoothly.
The mission setup is as follows: civ modules populate the whole map, mil ai comm linked to one civ placememt and one mil placement, ied module, the ennemy has a small taor and custom objectives are placed on the villages (outside the taor) so that the profiles get the orders to get out the taor and start occuping the objectives. When the installations start to initialize this is when the error starts to appear. In local host you can see the error and keep going, but in dedicated it crashes the server (program not responding) and there is nothing in the rpt.
Ill make amother test after work and post my files after that.
ophelian, defo some other issue! I will take a look at your zip
Thank you @highhead , this mission was made with the current 1.0 ALiVE and 2.3.1 for CBA, details are in the post. It doesnt use persistance nor HC also. I did not test this same mission with the recent dev build @Tupolov posted, but i did a new mission from scratch with it and got the same result. I think that the error message screenshot (in the zip) might be related to the issue. In local host it seems that the environment is more "tolerent" for errors like thse, but on the dedicated it crashes the server completely. I will post my new mission with the dev build later tonifht after work.
Thank you very much guys for your time.
Hey mate!
I am seeing that _state error from live analysis and will nail it down (never seen that, seems to be related to roadblocks).
But the freeze was exactly the issue, that has been fixed! Your Logs indicate exactly that. Please ensure that all of your clients have that testing version running from above and no old version.
Im just running your mission and it didnt freeze!
Oh wow ok so it wasnt just the way i made the mission. Glad to hear that. Im still 4h aways drom finishing at work so i will try to test this out once im back home. Thank you so much for the fast response! Ill clean out our modpack and reinstall the new version just in case. Have you tried it in dedicated server?
well the mission is a bit.... lets say.... "overdosed" in some areas :)
I highly suggest you reduce the amount of profiles at kavala and use CQB instead!
LOL after 2 minutes, over 320 AI spawned in Kavala!
Some advices, with OFP/ArmA (RV engine) it is recommended to NOT exceed 150 AI present at the same time! There are some ways to tweak your mission perfectly with the following steps:
Preview mission -> teleport in the center of the action, or where you spot the most density of enemies. Wait a minute. After that the amount of AI (count allunits in debug) should ideally not exceed 150 AI. If the count is too high, lower your settings, tweak the mission.
If you add civilians you may want to lower the above count a bit (by like 10-20).
You can also use the limiter settings on the modules, but i suggest to tweak it like above and not use the limiter at all.
This way you can fill up Altis with endless amounts of AI but always will have a good performance up to 20-30 players!
Congrats, ALiVE team for finding and squashing this major issue. I hope to be running my server as a long term campaign map for my unit or anyone else that wants to play on it and try ALiVE.
Looking forward to 1.1!
I think ALiVE has a huge potential for in depth play that really makes you feel like you're in an occupied area.
Now if I can get anyone from my unit on the damn server.... grrr.